Series Awards for the 2011 Icicle series will be awarded at the post race party on February 12th. You do not have to be present to win. HOWEVER, contestants who may be in a position to win an award should read the following section of the sailing instructions, particularly the highlighted part:
XI. Series Awards
"Trophies for the series will be awarded to the top three eligible yachts in each class based on points awarded per race. All yachts must be owned by a GBCA senior member and have a valid PHRF-GB certificate as of the date of the last race in the series to be eligible for series awards. GBCA Club Handicap class participants are not required to have a rating certificate."
If you haven't renewed your PHRF certificate, and don't live close to HYC you can do it by calling Julie at HYC - (281) 471-1255 - and then faxing or sending a copy of your check in an e-mail.
I suspect you could drop off a check (they can't take credit cards or HYC club charges) tomorrow morning at HYC, but why risk running late?
The mailing address is:
Performance Handicap Racing Fleet of Galveston Bay, Inc.
Post Office Box 1276
La Porte, TX 77572-1276
Liz Biss
Silver Bullet
Common sense dictates that we should stay home in this weather. In lieu of common sense we have foul weather gear.
And if all the Judges in attendance, socializing, imbibing, and awards are not enough to get you to the party, we'll have award-winning RED chili and GREEN chile stew with all the fixins prepared by the recently crowned Classic Cafe Super Bowl of Chili Champion. Not to toot my own horn mind you.
What a treat!
Red and Green chilli! OH BOY!!