The current Google Earth shot of Galveston Bay was taken on March 13, 2010, the day the Conundrum was raced. Three boats are visible approaching, rounding and leaving "E". Others are scattered in the vicinity of "2". I couldn't find "Tramp"
That's cool. I found Tramp: 29.5419862691, lon=-94.9907898996 You can even see the pin.
I should have smiled bigger!
Too cool! ;D
m/v Tramp
That IS a cool view! Boats all over the bay.
Too cool!
Can almost id the boats at full zoom. You can actually see the wakes of two boats stirring up the cloudy water rounding (I think, Marker E) near the channel.
I wonder if we can purchase a slighlty higher resolution from Google...
Speaking of: the 2011 Conundrum is next month, March 19th.
I'm sure Race Committee will work on scheduling another NASA flyby.
Free...with your entry ;)
For the Conundrum, can I enlist the GBCA super-chicken to call tactics and navigate?
I never get it right...
Okay, I'm a little slow. How do I pull up the image on Google Maps?
Quote from: ChrisA on February 23, 2011, 02:39:50 PM
Okay, I'm a little slow. How do I pull up the image on Google Maps?
use the satellite view (upper right corner)
The SUPER CHICKEN is under union contract and cannot be "enlisted" to perform additional chores. The NLRB will be monitoring this website.
Try this, I'm not sure the all the marks are exact, but there are sailboats scatterered more (or less) along the rhumblines.
Link?,-94.944878&spn=0.157677,0.290451&t=h&z=12 (,-94.944878&spn=0.157677,0.290451&t=h&z=12)
Speaking of Conundrum, sign up for this years edition on 3/19 here (
I think I will need to get that magic 8 ball trophy from last year to help pick a better route.
This is one of the more unique races you'll participate in on Galveston Bay, and it's really alot of damn fun.
Somebody wake up that chicken!