Registration for the 2011 Heald Bank Offshore Race is now available.
Submit Electronic Waivers:
Additional links will be available on the LYC website, lower right side
Hope you can join us....
- Dwight
Whoops... Ignore the links above, as I mis-labelled them.
The correct links are:
View Registrants:
Submitted Waivers:
Apologies for any confusion.....
- Dwight
Brief report:
- 14 boats registered; 13 started
Spinnaker course : Jetties, SECHI, Buccaneer, Jetties (90 miles)
Non-Spin: Jetties, SECHI, Jetties (64 miles)
1st finisher at 5:30am, 12 of 13 in by 10am
Decent North breeze at the start, lightening up and shift West here at Galveston. I'm figuring the light and flukey offshore forecast held true thru the wee hours, although breeze definitely picked up around 5am onshore.
Will have results up by Wednesday.....sooner if no protests.
- Dwight
Looked like a great evening of offshore sailing!!
It was also a nice race for offshore sleeping.
Early Sunday morning we were becalmed for several hours at Buccaneer. We actually went backwards for a while. Its my understanding that some old phart actually provided musical entertainment as he slept. Some kind of deep low frequency buzz saw type of song. Some say it was difficult to tell whether this was him or a nearby whale phart.
Agreed on the sleeper. We heard the same low rumbling noises on our boat. I was afraid someone might protest us for starting the motor when it got so loud. :o
Quote from: Bee on April 18, 2011, 07:29:32 AM
It was also a nice race for offshore sleeping.
Early Sunday morning we were becalmed for several hours at Buccaneer. We actually went backwards for a while. Its my understanding that some old phart actually provided musical entertainment as he slept. Some kind of deep low frequency buzz saw type of song. Some say it was difficult to tell whether this was him or a nearby whale phart.
Results link....awards to be handed out at the Shoe Regatta Awards party.
Thanks for coming out....
- Dwight
Except for the wind deaths this was a great race. Beautiful moon, great crew work, smooth Gulfo de Mexico, and, of course, great RC work.
Dwight, thanks for getting us off to such a great start. Thanks for allowing us radio check in, and thanks for hanging out until we finally finished.
It was, indeed, a beautiful night.
Quote from: DwightB on April 18, 2011, 01:50:44 PM
Results link....awards to be handed out at the Shoe Regatta Awards party.
Thanks for coming out....
- Dwight
Three minutes and five seconds between first and last finisher (uncorrected) after 90 miles!!! Sounds like a pretty nifty sail.
Quote from: LizBiz on April 18, 2011, 06:02:39 PM
Quote from: DwightB on April 18, 2011, 01:50:44 PM
Results link....awards to be handed out at the Shoe Regatta Awards party.
Thanks for coming out....
- Dwight
Three minutes and five seconds between first and last finisher (uncorrected) after 90 miles!!! Sounds like a pretty nifty sail.
Oopsie... someone should remind me how to read race results.... Especially ones that include
days/hours/minutes and seconds.
I'll go hide my head now...