Registration is now available for the Shoe Regatta (May 21-22)
Here are the links:
View Registrants:
Submitted Waivers:
Hope you can join us!
- Dwight
The J/111 007 is IN! "License to Thrill"
I originally signed up in the One Design/Other class-but I did edit the registration to read PHRF W-L.
Looking forward to seeing all of you next weekend!
Two days left to register....anyone else want to come out and play??
any daily results for us out of towners??? Currently in London.
Go to regatta network and click on results archive.
In order:
Infinity, Two Feathers, Stinger, Babe, Zippity
You should have had Zippies butt cleaned.
Final 105 results::
Infinity, Two Feathers, Stinger, Babe, Zippity
Great weekend. Lots of wind and maybe a few broken parts but the 105 fleet had a great time.
Thanks Dwight for the use of the radio on Sunday. Made things go a lot easier.
New Web site for Non GBCA Photos
John 8)
Here is the link for the results....
John....the photos are teriffic! Thank you!
Thanks to all for a fun weekend on the water.....
- Dwight
Thanks to you and all the LYC folks for a great regatta.
I fully resemble that remark, Charles.
You done good Dwight. Other than laughing at my big time over early, O. J. wasn't too bad either.
Quote from: Bee on May 23, 2011, 01:20:12 PM
I fully resemble that remark, Charles.
You done good Dwight. Other than laughing at my big time over early, O. J. wasn't too bad either.
I take full responsibility for the over-early......sort of!
Yes but, I was at the helm.
Quote from: Sailaway on May 22, 2011, 08:02:38 PM
New Web site for Non GBCA Photos
John 8)
Thank you for the great pics. I am really glad you don't have a "real" good zoom lens, to capture our "Clusters"....
Any pictures from the other lines?
Photos from the other lines will be on , Photo Galleries, 2011 Shoe Regatta soon.
For whatever reason, it's taking a bit longer than expected to get everything uploaded......sorry.
- Dwght