HYC is hosting the 2nd Open One Design Regatta, Sept. 17-18. Already 60 boats are signed up in nine classes on three race courses! Info at www.houstonyachtclub.com or regattanetwork.com for NOR and registration. Join the fun!!
Many thanks to sponsors of the HYC Open One Design Regatta,
KO Sailing, Classic Cafe, Kevin Severance Insurance and Wells Fargo Advisors. Rumor is Mt. Gay is going to make an appearance Saturday night to introduce a new product!! "The Blue Bottle".
67 boats registered, pretty good showing. Can we hit 100?
Start screaming at the 105 fleet. Only three of those so far.
4 J105's Bee.
82 boat's total so far, should push over 100. This is going to be a great event!
Check out the Special Release from the Texas Viper fleet! This is for ALL Texas Sailors!! All you need to know about the HYC One-Design Regatta and the BBVA Compass Regatta!!!
91 Boats!! Three days to go!! Yee-ha!!!!
102 boats as of this morning. This is fantastic. It's great to see HYC back to some of her former glory!
I'm going to go out on a limb and say the NOOD folks gave up on Texas a little early after Ike... ;)
http://www.regattanetwork.com/clubmgmt/applet_registrant_list.php?regatta_id=4298&custom_report_id=2 (http://www.regattanetwork.com/clubmgmt/applet_registrant_list.php?regatta_id=4298&custom_report_id=2)
Those NUDE folk really made me angry. I offered to go all out to try and get a bunch of regional 105's here. They said this was fantastic and they were all for it. Then they cancel. We should all email them the results.
Here are some pictures Scott and I took today. Don?t know if we will make it out tomorrow but some good competition going on out there! Will take a bit to load so...
http://www.flickr.com/photos/lacyphotos/sets or http://www.flickr.com/photos/lacyphotos/
m/v Tramp
@ TRAMP - great pictures! Thanks for sharing them.
Af for the NOOD.. who need's them. Instead of overpaying for drinks after racing saturday we had FREE rum compliments of mount gay. Instead overpaying for a medoicer meal we were fed by the HYC juniors.... the money went to a good cause and they did a fantastic job.
Big thanks to the the regatta organizers, and a lot of credit to the fleets who promoted the regatta and got people excited about going.
Cant wait until next year. 200 boats?
I added 5 photos to the GBCA Photos page (not the flickr account) that I cropped out of the 100%er. I really like the vipers!
m/v Tramp
I think that's when Neil went swimming for the cooler! Very important!