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Messages - derklauer

Galveston Bay Area Racing / Fareast 19r
September 11, 2024, 09:24:17 PM
Can a fareast 19r get a phrf rating on the bay?
As someone who has been racing in the area for about the past 15 years either on OPB or mine (j80, o30). I stopped almost immediately after the decision was made to split the fleets into PHRF and ORC the classes effectively halved overnight. That was never going to work they are competing handicap systems. I do not want a 22 or 105 so handicap racing is what it is.

I still have a boat here, and for the last 2 years I've been watching the fleet sizes, and considering getting back in to racing, but the numbers are getting worse. I'm not going to consistently enter as I had in the past to race against 2-4 boats.

There are not enough boats on the bay to support multiple handicaps. Pick one or the other and accept the trade off in the systems or watch the numbers continue to dwindle.

General Discussion / Surveyor Recommendations
January 18, 2022, 08:57:41 AM
Does anyone have any recommendations for current surveyors in the area?  Thank you.
General Discussion / alerion express 28
November 11, 2021, 01:51:51 PM
Does anyone on here have an alerion express 28 that they would let my family and I sit on at the dock this weekend for a few minutes, and possibly look in the cabin?  I'm looking at one out of town and it would save me a ton of time and travel if they decided it was not the boat for them.

General Discussion / Re: Outboard Motor Service
November 08, 2020, 11:22:49 AM
Had 2 very good experiances with these guys.  Quick turn around.
Galveston Bay Area Racing / viper 640 phrf
January 17, 2020, 11:59:20 AM
Are there any SI restrictions that would prevent a viper 640 from racing phrf on the bay?
Galveston Bay Area Racing / Re: J/Fest Southwest
September 15, 2019, 04:15:13 PM
Are there an j70 charters? I looked online did not see anything.
Galveston Bay Area Racing / Re: Rum Race Classes
May 17, 2019, 12:47:59 PM
Quote from: Kevin Bednar on May 17, 2019, 12:31:27 PM
Daniel, I get what you're saying but keep in mind;  Scott and the rest of the board have been tweaking the Rum Race and Icicle Series race instructions for some time now and last year's Rum Races and this year's Icicle Series had larger turn-outs than the previous several years.  The Rum and Icicle races are no-charge fun races but don't let that fool anyone into thinking that The Board isn't doing it's best to increase the fairness, fun and turn-out.

Kevin, I'm not bashing the board in anyway and apologize if it came across that way.  I'm just pointing out that it is a significant change and there are a lot of opinions on the subject, and the way it is being presented potentially forces people to vote by entering or not and it's harder to get people back once you lose them....And lets be honest any race on the bay is for fun, and some have higher turnout than others for varying reasons.
Galveston Bay Area Racing / Re: Rum Race Classes
May 17, 2019, 10:58:16 AM
Quote from: ECSimonson on May 17, 2019, 10:25:30 AM

I sense your frustration and understand your point of view, however, in my opinion, we elected the board of governors and officers to manage these events and decisions on our behalf. To think every decision (including revisions to the SIs) would require a majority vote of the entire GBCA membership is not realistic.  That's what the board was elected to do; and that is the "vote" available to you...

I agree with you it's the boards decision to make. and I'm not suggesting that every decision or every SI change the board proposes be put to a vote, that would be counter productive.  However, I am saying that a decision that impacts every participant on a topic that has multiple opinions and potentially significant ramification to participation should be put to a vote.  If something like this is not put to a vote the only way to gauge if the group likes it is through the participation numbers.  In most cases the loss of one boat represents a 20% or greater decrease in a classes participation, that's a significant gamble on a proposal and I'd argue that the risk of loss exceeds the benefit.  Although it's not clear to me if the objective of any of these decisions is to try to grow or simply maintain numbers. 
Galveston Bay Area Racing / Re: Rum Race Classes
May 17, 2019, 08:39:31 AM
Scott, why are these class/rating decisions not being put to a community vote (maybe I missed it)? I just went through the same issue with the Shoe Regatta class divisions PHRF w/l vs ORC w/l which resulted in a class being killed. I think the intent here is good but it's going to be a lot harder to get the boats who leave because they are tired of these seemingly random changes to come back, then to attract the boats that are sitting at the dock.

You coherently outlined why you think "your" approach is better and I appreciate put it to a vote.  At the moment the only mechanism to vote is to register for a race or not, and the numbers don't lie.
Galveston Bay Area Racing / Re: Found Sail
September 16, 2018, 02:06:52 PM
That's mine it has a tear in it I put it in the trash...thanks for checking though.
Un-Classified Ads / Yamaha 4hp stroke for sale
April 30, 2018, 07:15:36 PM
I've got a Yamaha 4hp 4 stroke long shaft for sale.  Was serviced and had the carbs cleaned then put it away 2 years ago in my garage. 350.00 send me a message with your contact if you want it.
Un-Classified Ads / Re: Boat Wanted
March 22, 2018, 07:40:10 PM
If either of them are still considering please pass my contact to them Daniel.erklauer@gmail. My original message was lacking some details I've already been in contact with the local brokers and looked in the obvious places.  I've walked the yards and know they are around.
Un-Classified Ads / Boat Wanted
March 15, 2018, 10:21:34 AM
Is anyone aware of a J80 or melges24 for sale locally?  Local is as far North as Austin/Dallas and East as NOLA.

I might consider a J70.

Crew Finder / looking for a ride for LYC Heald Bank
April 19, 2016, 08:44:28 PM
I'm looking to crew for the LYC Herald Bank.  I own and race an O30(Wildcard) and have recently been crewing on a J92(Little Joe), also crewed on a J105(Stinger) was my introduction to GBCA.  daniel.erklauer@gmail

