WNR - Make-up Race 9/13

Started by STuma, September 13, 2017, 08:14:19 AM

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We hope everyone is starting to get some kind of normalicy after Hurricane Harvey. I am usually not a fan of having make-up races because of the logistics and changing of the calendar, but with the number of cancelled races we have had this year, I have decided to make-up Race 2 of Series 5 because of Harvey. I realize there are some classes where points are close and the logistics of getting away from home and office may have been a bit tough the last couple of weeks. S5R2 will be hosted on 9/20/17 and the awards party will be pushed to 10/11/17. I always try to work around HMR where people can have enough time to get their boats ready.

I do apologize for any inconvience this may have caused and I appriciate everyone's patience and look forward to seeing everyone on the water and at the awards party.

9/20/17: Series 5 Race 2 make-up
10/11/17: Awards Party


Scott Tuma, PRO