2012 Wurstfest Regatta

Started by ChrisK, September 30, 2012, 08:37:51 AM

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This is always a fun regatta (if you don't mind the launch ramp)
The best part is camping on-site (or on your boat) at the LCYC. It's a beautiful view of the lake. The water is clear and clean enough you can see your keel in the water. Texas lake racing at its best!

LCYC is volunteer (like GBCA) and the good folks out there really go out of their way...breakfast available in the morning, live music and dinner Saturday, etc. Of course a trip into town for Wurstfest is required!!

Word is plenty of water in the lake this year.

Board boats 11/2-4 and keel boats, Vipers, C-22 and Cats 11/9-11

Past Commodore, 2010