Debriefing: HYC Safety in the Bay and Beyond

Started by PrisSail, September 05, 2015, 09:44:34 PM

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Wow!  What an awesome turnout from GBCA members at our event today!!  That was fun for me to see/meet all of you - I put a lot of info out into cyberspace and it is rare I get feedback for my efforts - it felt really good to find out so many of you read my posts.

We have a LOT of talent here at HYC, and all of our speakers except Dr. Greg Kutsen are HYC members.  For those of you who didn't already know Greg, now you do and I think you agree he's totally awesome.  Greg is not an HYC member, and he gave that excellent presentation without any compensation except his love of sailing and medicine ... plus he knows better than to turn me down.   ;D  (just kidding) (maybe  ;D )  But do be aware he came to talk to us after a busy Friday night shift, totally out of the goodness of his heart.

Greg invented and founded Mantus Anchors, and subsequently invented all sorts of excellent accessories ... his target market is cruisers (like me  :) ) it isn't exactly equipment used by racers, but it is serious quality equipment, and he's local - he lives in Seabrook and his shop/warehouse is in Kemah on 146 just south of the post office.  It would be highly considerate if even a few of you contacted Greg somehow to say "thank you!", through his web site is probably best.  I saw him at Kemah Hardware this week, he goes to a lot of boat shows and is always at ours over at South Shore - if you see him around town or at Harvest Moon be sure to say HI and THANK YOU.

Another awesome person is the old fart sitting on my starboard, Philip Kropf.  Philip does more for Galveston Bay than all of us put together three times.  He was instrumental in getting hazards such as Norm's Pipe removed (and other crap like the old rigs we were using as marks  >:( (hahaha).  So be aware, when you are out racing in the Bay, Philip does a hellava lot for the Bay out of the goodness of his heart, and we are out there taking our freedom to race for granted.  Info for my GBCA posts such as the HSC dredging are courtsey of Philip!  Philip is a TMCA member so if you ever attend any of their events, or just see him around (his boat is at Portofino), be sure to thank him for his efforts.  Lots of GBCA members know and work with Philip - those of you who don't, find out who he is and take part!

We have an AWESOME thing going here in Kemah and Galveston Bay, and most of it (maybe all?) is due to voluntary efforts of people like Greg Kutsen and Philip Kropf.  Joining GBCA in of itself is a great way to support each other and what we love together, getting involved by volunteering your time here and there is even better, and if you can't - please make the effort to thank those who do.  8)
The right of way goes to the vessel with the least competent crew.