17 days until Commodore's Ball - February 2nd

Started by STuma, January 16, 2019, 04:02:05 PM

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Spots are filling quickly for the Commodore's Ball...

Have never been? No problem.

If you have attended any of GBCA's Rum Race or Icicle parties; just like that except everyone is showered and smells better.

What to expect ~
Dress Code: Men typically wear a sport jacket to suit to tuxedo (I'll be in a tux). Women will wear evening gowns to cocktail dresses. (Most bring a change of shoes to dance in)

Activity: We start the evening with everyone's "glamor shots" as they enter. Social conversations will commence until dinner is served. Annual awards will be recognized with a slide show. The band usually plays during the social time and after the awards. After the awards is when everyone begins to dance and congratulate each other for their awards.

Last year we had a waiting list for registrations. Be sure to register and save your spot.