Getting My Butt kicked by Johnny Jones, the bi-sail number racer

Started by Carioca52777, July 14, 2009, 02:26:15 AM

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took what WAS TO to o be a plesant Galveston Bay to chill out,  I/we got out butts kicked by IslandTime, Johnny Jone;s and crew on all points of sailing windward/leward   He was very much about details
and friendlty about boat against abay
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Apparently I was late to the party.  I was supposed to get in a little practice but my crew was tied up so I took Stinker out for a little single handing.  It was perfect wind for sipping a cold one and cranking the stereo.

I saw Johnny headed back in he looked as if he'd just vanquished a challenger....

El Diablo


Never try to match Johnny on rum drinks.  There's no future in it.
?Force shites upon Reason's Back.?
-Ben Franklin